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  • Body Mass Index (BMI) > 25 kg/m^2



  • A1C between 5.7 and 6.4

  • Fasting glucose between 100 and 125 mg/dl

  • Plasma glucose (2 hours after 75g glucose load) between 140 and 199 mg/dl

  • Clinically diagnosed gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) during a previous pregnancy

  • You qualify as AT RISK through the screening result for type 2 diabetes on the American Diabetes Association Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test

Nationa Diabetes Prevention Program
CDC Diabetes
Prevent T2 Diabetes Program
NIH Diabetes Prevention Program

The National Diabetes Prevention Program will run for 1 year at $44 per month.  This includes a 23-part lecture series, nutritional programming, exercise support, testing, and monitoring.

CDC Diabetes Prevention Program.png
Diabetes Prevention

Catalyst Fit is proud to team with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in offering the Diabetes Prevention Program.  

The DPP is a lifestyle change program proven to delay and even prevent Type 2 diabetes and other significant health problems in at-risk populations.

While anyone is welcome, the DPP is primarily intended for adults with prediabetes. 

As one of the few fitness centers with conditional CDC DPP approval, Catalyst Fit uses a holistic program focusing on improving the body-insulin relationship through nutrition, exercise and activity, stress control, and general wellness.

Course Overview

The DPP is a year-long program of education, nutrition, weight and activity monitoring, and personal and community support.

Classes are held weekly, becoming less frequent as the year progresses.  A total of 23 classes are held per year, and a weekly dietary (including complementary access to our nutrition software) and activity log will be kept.  Ketone and/or Glucose tests will be taken periodically.  Clients will receive ongoing support throughout the program from Catalyst Fit.

The CDC target is a year-over-year weight loss of at least 5% and improved blood markers.  Catalyst Fit takes this a step further and expects that full compliance will result in a weight loss of at least 10% and a reversal of prediabetic indicators.

Course Outline

The projected class outline for the first 12 sessions of our enrollment is below. 

  1. Introduction/Setup, What Is Diabetes?

  2. Insulin's Role and Effect in the Body

  3. Insulin and Blood Sugar Control Part 1 - Nutrition

  4. Insulin and Blood Sugar Control Part 2 - Exercise and Activity

  5. Insulin and Blood Sugar Control Part 3 - Other Lifestyle Solutions

  6. Common Nutritional Problems and Mistakes

  7. Nutrient Density

  8. Coping With Stress

  9. Effective Exercise Programming 

  10. Shopping and Cooking at Home

  11. Sleep and Wellness

  12. Eating Well Away From Home

Next Steps...

The program is scheduled to begin Winter 2018.

Interest list signup is now available at the link below(no commitment required at this time):


Catalyst Fit Diabetes Prevention Program Interest List

The DPP will cost is $44 per month and runs for one year.  We accept HSA/FSA payments.

If you have further questions, please contact us and we will be happy to help!   

© 2023 Catalyst Fit

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